Unique Design
With a vast library of the latest decorative paper designs and press plate finishes, Omega Laminates provides the potential for limitless creativity at your fingertips. We have provided many custom laminate design solutions for developers like Sun Hung Kai Properties and New World Development.
With our factory located in Dongguan, we are able to provide lightning-quick service for customized requests.
Competitive Pricing
Hopewell Plastics employs the latest in automated machinery to minimize cost and passes the savings to our end-user.
Safeguard Your Family
Our GERMGUARD Laminates is effective in inhibiting the growth of most common microbial and it is an ideal choice for the health-conscious consumers who want to protect their family from the risk of cross-contamination.
合和膠板有限公司 合和膠板有限公司由擁有超過40年起歷史的母公司–合和貿易公司成立,是香港老誌號品牌。1972年發展至今,現主營室內裝飾板材生產及經銷,業內雄踞領導地位。

合和膠板有限公司 隨著客戶和業務不斷增長,2003年,公司在東莞設廠,承包產品製造、化驗、銷售,以至物流配送整個過程,務求提供最優質的產品及服務予每一位客戶。